From the Field

Art Museums Collaborate Across the Border
The El Paso Museum of Art and Museo de Arte de Ciudad Juárez are celebrating ten years of cross-border collaboration with their fifth Transborder Biennial exhibition as well as ancillary public programming highlighting the cultural communities of the museums' shared region, which constitutes the world's largest international border metroplex.
The Transborder Bienniel 2018 / Bienal Transfronteriza 2018, on view through September 16, features work by 32 contemporary artists or collectives living along the US-Mexico border (narrowed down from over 200 submissions). The artwork explores issues related to the U.S.-Mexico border region, including immigration, crossing, and physical, linguistic, and cultural hybridity. Each artist or collective has work on view simultaneously at El Paso Museum of Art and Museo de Arte de Ciudad Juárez - meaning to see the entire exhibition, visitors must cross the border themselves.
El Paso Museum of Art is also hosting a two-day convening examine the past, present, and future of creative communities in the El Paso/Juárez region. La Frontera: Art + People + Place takes place in El Paso and Juárez September 7 and 8 and includes talks by artists, journalists, and politicians; visits to Juárez museums and historic sites; a private tour of the Transborder Biennial with the exhibition's curators; a guided biking excursion to El Paso’s murals; and a live border-stories event. “La Frontera looks to the future by bringing together regional and international voices to address what it means to be a creative community situated along the border in the 21st century,” said EPMA Director Dr. Victoria Ramirez.
Learn more about La Frontera and register for the two-day program
Read more about the Transborder Bienniel 2018 / Bienal Transfroteriza 2018 in Arts & Culture Texas
Image of the 2018 Transborder Biennial / Bienal Transfronteriza at El Paso Museum of Art courtesy of El Paso Museum of Art